Blog > Patrice Lawrence picks Rebecca Henry to win YA novel competition
22 February 2019
Patrice Lawrence picks Rebecca Henry to win YA novel competition
The short-list for the YA competition was beguiling and talented. We were both immediately struck by Rebecca Henry’s The Sound of Everything with its strong, unself-conscious and convincing narrative voice of an emotionally damaged girl in foster care who believes that all she’s got in the world is a knife called Emerson but who learns that—however many times it’s come your way— betrayal isn’t the sum of life or people and you must to dare to trust.
Patrice Lawrence: ‘I was sucked in by the quality of the writing, the ear for dialogue and a complex character who on the surface could seem unlikeable or self-pitying but who is compelling and makes you route for her.’
Our competition for a contemporary YA novel with an urban made me realize just how much varied talent there is out there. Congratulations to Rebecca and to everyone on the short list.